15 July 2021

CASE HISTORY: Fiorini takes part in a construction project that looks to the future

Ianus the system of choice for a new, completely zero-impact building.   An old block of apartments in Gravina di Puglia to be knocked down and […]
30 June 2021

CASE HISTORY: the Ianus system by Fiorini in a green building house project.

The perfect solution to ensure energy efficiency and reduce the environmental impact.   A 250-sqm single-family villa in Altamura, made of wood according to green building […]
17 June 2021

Domestic hot water in the absence of gas? PLUGGY takes care of it!

Fiorini’s electric storage water tank is easy to install, practical to use and built to last, features that make it the ideal solution to provide DHW […]
21 May 2021
Scambiatori Fiorini per ospedale covid Modena

CASE HISTORY: Fiorini’s heat exchangers are used in the new Covid ward of the Polyclinic of Modena.

The project, implemented in the autumn of 2020 to respond to the second wave of the pandemic, was completed in record time.   A job to […]