1 July 2019
fiorini skid unit

CASE HISTORY – Increased efficiency and precision with the new Fiorini Skid for cooling during the rolling process

Fiorini Industries has created an innovative Skid unit, made entirely of stainless steel, which will be used to process lead for a leading company which manufactures […]
28 May 2019
geothermal heat pump

GEO HFS, the new high-power heat pump by Fiorini

A new range of high-power and ultra-efficient geothermal heat pumps by Fiorini Industries replaces the previous HF range.   Fiorini Industries responds to the demand for […]
8 May 2019
fiorini introduce un defibrillatore in azienda

A defibrillator in the company: Fiorini is among the most responsible companies in Italy

Since July 2018, Fiorini Industries has had a defibrillator in the company. Thanks to the 8 employees who have been trained in how to use the […]
29 April 2019
Fiorini's exchangers in Montenegro

CASE HISTORY – Fiorini arrives at the Portonovi tourist resort in Montenegro

In October 2018, Fiorini Industries partnered with the Forlì-based engineering company, ELTEC, to implement the district heating and conditioning network of the Portonovi resort in Montenegro. […]