21 April 2020

Webinar – Legionella and DHW production systems

Fiorini Industries starts a digital training for his partners.     In this extraordinary period Fiorini thought he could share his experience on the field with […]
8 April 2020
Fiorini and Renovis zero-cost heating system

CASE HISTORY – Fiorini and Renovis together for a sustainable and zero-cost heating system [PART 1]

Fiorini Industries and the energy service company Renovis collaborated on an important project aimed at the sustainability of a large multinational company operating in the bakery […]
24 March 2020

Fiorini Industries is forced to stop production activities till the 3th April 2020

As consequence of Prime Minister’s Decree dated 22 March 2020 Fiorini Industries is forced to stop production activities till the 3th April 2020.   Sales team […]
11 March 2020
fiorini's measures to prevent covid-19

Fiorini’s measures to prevent COVID-19

Fiorini Industries,  in full compliance with the Italian Prime Ministerial Decree (DPCM) of 9 March 2020 to counter the COVID-19 emergency, is pursuing two fundamental objectives: […]