22 May 2020
Webinar Plate heat exchangers for HVAC applications

Webinar – Plate heat exchangers for HVAC applications

The Fiorini webinar series continues! Here is the 6th webinar on plate heat exchangers for HVAC applications, how to correctly manage the heat exchange. Sign up […]
20 May 2020
misure anti covid 19 tensostruttura per la pausa pranzo

Anti Covid-19 measures: Fiorini builds a tensile structure for the lunch break

To protect its employees and prevent the Covid-19 virus, Fiorini has decided to invest in a tensile structure that lets them respect the safety distances even […]
15 May 2020

Webinar – ERP focus on hot water storage tank

The digital training by Fiorini towards his collaborators continues, here is the 5th webinar based on erp directive and how it works on storage tank for […]
8 May 2020

Webinar – Heat recovery in heat pumps

During Phase-2 Fiorini continues with digital training for his collaborators, here is the 4th webinar about heat recovery in heat pumps.     Take part in […]